GLAF Celebrates National I.T. Professionals Day – celebrated on the third Tuesday of September – to recognize the technical experts — network engineers, system administrators, database admins, ethical hackers, and many more types of Information Technology professionals — who make sure computer systems and networks run smoothly.

It takes a solid set of skills and talents to walk in the shoes of an I.T. Professionals. So, on IT Professionals Day we want to celebrate with other IT Professionals in the business; and we invite our clients, partners, and vendors to join us!

GLAF Celebrates National I.T. Professionals Day to recognize the technical experts we are - proudly.
GLAF Celebrates National I.T. Professionals Day on the third Tuesday of every September.

IT Pros are the people who fix tech devices when they stop working the way they should — the behind-the-scenes operators without whom we’d be back in front of an archaic typewriter or the chalkboard, performing daily tasks the hard way.

Also, on this celebration day, let us support IT Students and help them find scholarship resources to advance their studies in the field and become professionals in near future.

Happy Day!